For your convenience and to help you deal with all pains and injuries, Sandalwood Physio provides motor vehicle or car accident rehabilitation program. From past few years, our physiotherapists and chiropractors are assisting the patients in recovering from pain by providing them the rehabilitation.

We understand that severe injuries can cause limitations, pain and discomfort, especially the MVA ones.
Our MVA Rehabilitation Services
At Sandalwood Physio, we believe that you shouldn't have to suffer through the pain, no matter, its acute or chronic. To treat your ongoing injuries and sprains, we offer:
- Initial assessment post car accident.
- Periodic reassessments to monitor progress
- Therapeutic and rehabilitative program
- Variety of manual and modality therapies
- Personalized rehabilitative exercise program
- Work conditioning & hardening program
How We Do It?
With a personalized treatment including chiropractic care, physiotherapy, massage therapy and acupuncture, we make sure you recover to your normal health in the least time. We also aid our patient in returning to work with a decreased risk of re-injury. MVA patients are advised to must see one of our physiotherapists for an initial assessment of their injury.
At Sandalwood Physio, our team of registered therapists will assess your condition and evaluate a comprehensive treatment plan which is based on the severity of complications you are suffering from. We integrate massage therapy into the MVA treatment so as to reduce the effect of stiffness and soreness that rises after a car accident.
If you have recently suffered a motor vehicle injury, don't wait for your wounds and muscle strains to heal on their own. Visit our local physiotherapy clinic in Sandalwood and recover faster.
Visit Us Today For MVA Rehab Treatment!