Are you suffering from a back injury? Do you want to correct the spinal disorder? If yes, custom back braces in Brampton and Caledon is spinal support solution that provides optimal protection and maximizes rehabilitation. No matter, you have undergone surgery or want to get rid of chronic pain, back braces can work effectively.

We, at Sandalwood Physiotherapy, offer orthopedic back braces or spinal orthoses range from an ‘off the shelf’ soft support to complicated custom rigid orthotic. The reasons for back pain are varied and bracing is an ideal choice for conservative treatment.
What Conditions Are Treated With Back Brace?
- Sprain / Strain – Acute
- Post-Operative Support
- Fracture Management
- Bulging Or Herniated Disc
- Instability: Chronic Or Traumatic
- De-Conditioned Or Postural Back Pain
- Degenerative Disc Disease
- Spinal Stenosis
How Back Supports Work?
The back supports allow the core muscles which support the spine to get relaxed and not be in overdrive protection mode. Several types of braces work in different parts of the back such as tailbone, sacrum and mid spine & lower lumber. Most back braces have the compression which helps to pull the back brace to provide you with a snug fit around you. It turns out to be beneficial to:
- Realign and support the spine, help in preserving muscular and sensory functions and the healing process.
- Immobilize the spine that encourages the fractures to treat and avoid the progression of deformity or diseases as well as provide support to your body.
- Custom spinal orthotic in Brampton & Caledon is designed to fit correctly and provide support to torso and pelvis.
If You Interested In Spinal Orthotic Devices, Contact Us Today!