What Is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractic care is actually a modern technique that is completely based on the manual adjustment of the misaligned joints, especially those comprising the spinal cord. Since your spine is the most important part of your nervous and muscular system, its advised not to ignore any spinal pains or strains. For those who are affected by a nervous system problem or a muscle pain, Chiropractic care is a choice of treatment available.

What to expect on your first visit?
If you are suffering from an unbearable joint or back pain, you can rely on us for proper diagnosis and treatment. Whether the condition you are suffering from is acute or chronic, we provide chiropractic care to provide prolonged relief from spinal pain. With manual spinal corrections, our registered chiropractors can relieve your body pain and allow proper functioning of various organs. We are committed to give you a personalized chiropractic care to ease your ongoing spinal or joint pain.
At Sandalwood Physio, our regular chiropractic care aims to improve your body health and promotes overall wellness of an individual with regular spinal alignment. From past few years, we are addressing our patients' needs with complete body treatments and specialize in chiropractic care.
Conditions Treated
- Back pain
- Headache
- Joint pain
- Neck pain
- Whiplash
- Chronic Pain
- Sciatica
- Spine Pain
Techniques Used
- Heat and ice therapy
- Exercise program
- Massage therapy
- Dietary management
- Hands-on adjustment
- Electrical stimulation
Contact Us To Know More About Chiropractic Care.